The Healthy Journal
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Defined: Causes and Treatment Options
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition many of us hear about frequently, but rarely understand completely. While CTS is blamed for a variety of other conditions, a proper diagnosis is critical for treatment. Defining Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The words “carpal tunnel”...
Children and Eyeglasses: How to Convince Them It Will All Be OK
To avoid having to wear eyeglasses, children used to suffer through vision problems rather than tell their parents or teachers that they can’t see as well as they did before. Squinting and even acting up in class were some of the tactics children used to avoid the...
The Sun: Your Brain’s Best Friend and Your Skin’s Worst Enemy
Here in Michigan, we look forward all fall, winter, and early spring until the day we can burst out of our doors and bask in the sun. The multitude of physical and mental health benefits you gain from the sun are virtually undeniable, and the sun definitely feels...
Protecting your Teeth and Gums: How Medications Affect Your Mouth
Often, people are so accustomed to taking medications that they don’t realize how they are affecting them. One example is how medications affect your mouth, specifically your teeth and gums. Individuals who are experiencing side effects may attribute them to “life” or...
Mediterranean Diet may Benefit Overall Health
The Mediterranean Diet continues to grow in popularity among today’s health-conscious consumers, and there’s no wonder why. The Mediterranean diet is based on consuming products that your body needs to function at its best. There are no tricks. There’s really no...
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